2015 Field of Dreams' Kid's Fishing Day

June 2, 2015

Colusa, California – The Field of Dreams’ (“FOD”) Kid’s Fishing Day is like a favorite song.  We all love to see and hear it play.  Forty two disadvantaged children fishing on a reservoir and enjoying a relaxing weekend of western outdoor fun is my favorite song.

This 10th-annual event started on Friday, May 15th with a dinner banquet at Granzella’s in Williams, CA.  A great feast was had and fishing gear was provided for all the children.  There was a special kids-only drawing for a beautiful standard poodle service dog.  Noah Donaghe won the drawing and was thrilled.  But a little girl, Angela Cortez was crying because she wanted to win and once the breeder Karen Marks heard that, a second dog was found!

Families spent Friday night at Granzella’s Inn.  The next morning after a delicious Granzella’s breakfast, with fishing rods ready, families travelled to fish on a reservoir at a family-owned cattle ranch in Stonyford, CA.  It was the perfect spot for this quick get-a-way event.


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